Google is now ranking mobile-friendly websites higher than those that are not mobile ready.

Is Your Site Ready for Google?
Listen in to Appletree MediaWorks on on 4/28 at 1:30pm for help.
Is Your Website Mobile-Friendly?
If not, Google may now penalize your ranking for it.
The other day while browsing the web on my phone during lunch, I clicked on a link to an article that sounded interesting, only to find that the site was impossible to read. The text was tiny – I could zoom way in, but then I had to scroll to the side repeatedly to read anything. It was a frustrating experience, and I hit the ‘back’ button before getting far.
Don’t let users have that same experience on your website.
How can you tell if your site is mobile-friendly?
1) If you search for your site in a mobile web-browser, do you see the words, “Mobile-Friendly” next to your search entry in Google search? If not, Google isn’t seeing your site as mobile-friendly.
2) If you view your page, is text very small? Do you have to pinch-and-drag to read the site?
3) Do things seem too wide to view properly?
4) Is your site very difficult to navigate without zooming way in? Are links small and too close together to touch accurately with your finger?
If you still aren’t sure, Google has a Mobile-Friendly Test to check your site out on.
What if your site isn’t mobile-friendly?
The Mobile-Friendly Test will give links and tips on why your site isn’t mobile-friendly, and what to do about it. The most complicated issues can generally be resolved by converting a website to a responsive WordPress theme.
Mobile-Friendliness is not the only the thing to determine Google rank, but small businesses and organizations are most likely to lose out since the change. And with many people using their phones to look up information and local websites, making sure your website is accessible to everyone can only help.
We here at Appletree MediaWorks use responsive, mobile-ready themes when building our most recent websites for clients. If you’d like some help, give us a call and we can work you through your options.