How to Avoid Getting Your Email Hacked

How Do You Avoid Getting Your Email Hacked?

  • Duplicating usernames and passwords is risky. If you use the same username or password on several different websites, only one of those sites being compromised can make all of your accounts vulnerable. Many hackers use brute force or dictionary attacks in which a program is set up to attempt countless password combinations rapidly. The simpler your password, the easier it will be to “guess” by the program.
    • Suggestions: Set up unique login credentials on each website or service you use, making sure to create complex passwords. To remember all of them, use a program or service such as 1Password, LastPass, or KeePass to help manage and keep track of your information. Once you’re set up with a password manager, creating 40-character passwords (and never forgetting them) becomes a breeze!
  • Keep your software up to date. Out of date software is risky, especially when it comes to web browsers, browser plugins, and other web-based software. Make sure to keep your operating system and antivirus software up to date. Run anti-spyware programs regularly.
    • Suggestions: Many programs update automatically. Still, it is a good idea to set your phone or calendar to remind you to check on these things every few weeks.
  • Pay Attention to Login Sessions. Make sure that you are the only person logging into your accounts. You can often monitor recent activity with popular online services such as Facebook and Gmail.
    • Suggestions: Change your passwords if things seem fishy. Do not create obvious security questions that people can find the answers to simply by searching Facebook or other sites.
  • Think Before You Click! If you receive an ambiguous or unexpected email asking you to click a link, even if it appears to come from a relative or close friend – don’t do it. Contact the person over the phone and ask whether or not they actually sent it. The same goes for attachments.
    • Suggestions: Ignore and delete emails like this, even if they appear to come from friends, family, or banks. Don’t click the link or open the attachment – it’s a surefire way to get your info stolen.
  • Watch where you log in from. Be careful if you are logging in from a public computer or a network that is not secure. Be sure to log out of any services you used and clear the browser’s cache before walking away from any public computer.
  • If Two-Step Authentication is an option, use it! Two-step authentication often requires an extra step, such as inputting a code you are texted, particularly on a new machine. If your email service has this feature, it may very well be worth the effort.

Know that none of this is absolutely foolproof as identity theft and account hacking becomes more rampant. It is best to set up your accounts so that if one gets compromised, the rest remain secure. Have a plan set up for what to do if an email gets hacked or a credit card gets stolen. Keep in mind that this is an extremely common, if problematic.

If your account gets hacked:

  • Scan your computer for viruses, malware, and keystroke loggers. It is important to do this first before changing passwords, or the same problem could occur again if your computer itself has been compromised.
  • Change your passwords and security questions if you can still access your account.
  • If you cannot access your account, follow the directions in the site’s help center – most sites have guides about what to do.
  • Report the incident. You may get access to identity protection services through the site.
  • Let people know you got hacked and not to click any links appearing to come from you until the problem has been sorted out.

Scams: Energy Bill Service Scam

Lets Have A Look At An Energy Bill Service Scam

Here we have a classic scam email captured in its natural environment, which presents a good opportunity to learn how to spot them. This one is rather straightforward and deceptive. Note the alarming nature of the email, intent on distracting attention away from the fact that your “energy bill” is being sent from Japan. It is worth noting that email addresses are notoriously easy to spoof, so it won’t always be so obvious. Scam emails can just as easily appear as if they came from a legitimate source.

A better tell might be the obligatory “click here” link. If you hover over it with your mouse, the link itself is suspicious – the URL has nothing to do with an energy company. Link targets are much more difficult to fake, but can sometimes look very similar to a more legitimate address, so look closely!

This scammer even has the nerve to instruct you to add their email address to your approved mailing list so that future scams won’t be blocked by your spam filter. It is never a good idea to do this unless you are 100% certain the email is legit.

As always, if you receive an email like this, do not immediately click on the link. Instead, open up your web browser separately and navigate to your actual utilities company’s website if you are concerned. Delete the email and go about your normal business.


The Good and the Bad of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing seems inescapable. Phones and devices have cloud servers for files, any user can get free cloud backups for their own computers, and even federal and state governments are investing in cloud computing for their own data. But just what is it, and is it safe?

What Is It?

First, we had computers that had hard drives with information and programs on them, and then we used discs to move that information from computer to the next. These discs were small, so we took to thumb drives, but this was problematic if you forgot your thumb drive at home or work or school. Those of us who had web mail account like Yahoo or Hotmail recognized we could just email ourselves the data, and open it from wherever.

This was the early stage of Cloud Computing.

Cloud computing is the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the internet to store and manage data, rather than a local server, or a personal computer. Given that few of us stick to just one computer these days –between home, work, school, laptops, tablets, and other devices – having ready access to that information on any device is important. This is where cloud computing comes in.

Where is it stored?

Cloud computing is named as such because information or even programs are used or run from a number of application or storage servers kept and backed up off site, and accessed through multiple computers where the user logs into an interface for access. A simple example of this is web-based email which is accessible through a web browser and website, but available through any computer.

Individuals and companies often resort to third-party cloud storage, such as iCloud, Dropbox, Google Drive and others. Companies may wish to back up not only files, but whole computers, databases, or programs for use.

When are people going to use this tech?

This sort of technology has been used since the ‘90s when people backed up files on web hosts or used web-based email clients. With the ever increasing use of mobile computing, cloud hosting has become more prevalent and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

Why is this needed?

The more mobile people become with their computing, the more important it will be to have access to files, data, and programs remotely. While devices and computers have ever-increasingly large hard drives and can hold more info, hauling around secondary drives and copying information over is redundant and unnecessary.

For companies and industries, a base location for all information is valuable in the interests of saving money and time. Instead of a slowly depreciating server under a desk or stuck in the back room, all information is available and reliably backed up offsite. This also allows for people in multiple locations, branches, or buildings, to have access to and immediately update information as needed.

What are the potential pitfalls and drawbacks?

Cloud computing has some very real drawbacks and concerns, and some of them do not have good solutions at this time:

  • Access: To access the cloud (whatever form of cloud you are accessing at the moment), the user needs internet access. Without wifi or otherwise, access to files and software severely limits what can be done. This is becoming less and less a problem as time goes on, but still could come up as an issue.
  • Security: Every day the news broadcasts another company or institution getting hacked. And as security gets more sophisticated, hackers always seem one step ahead. Information could be accessed and stolen during a number of points in the cloud computing process, whether it be a hacker discovering a means of getting in, or a user with a weak password.
  • Privacy: Housing your data somewhere on the web inevitably means someone else may have access to it. Along with the aforementioned hackers, NSA access to various servers and databases has been argued and discussed extensively throughout the last year. While a company may not have anything to hide, they may not want that data accessible in general.
  • Third Party Control: Ultimately, in handing over data and programs to a third party, a company or institution is handing the keys over to someone else. Not everyone likes this or feels comfortable with it, and would prefer to have complete control over their information.

Despite the potential hazards of cloud computing, large companies and even government and official institutions more and more are turning in that direction due to reduced costs and ease of use. The debate and concern over the security of private information will only increase as hackers are more sophisticated and computing becomes more ubiquitous. But cloud computing is not going away any time soon.

For more information on cloud computing and internet security in general, follow the Appletree Media blog.

More On Cloud Computing:

Union Edge Tech Tips – October 29, 2014

Verizon’s Cookies and Windows XP Hackers

Verizon’s ‘Perma-Cookie’ Is a Privacy-Killing Machine

Apparently Verizon tracks your internet use and there is no way to opt out of it.

When surfing the internet using Verizon’s internet, a string of about 50 characters is added to the end of every URL you go to. Verizon calls this a Unique Identifier Header (UIDH), its essentially a serial number that advertisers can use to identify you on the web when you use Verizon’s internet service.

According to Verizon spokeswoman Debra Lewis, there’s no way to turn it off. She says that Verizon doesn’t use the UIDH to create customer profiles, and if you opt out of the company’s Relevant Mobile Advertising program by logging into your Verizon account. Then Verizon and its advertising partners won’t be using it to create targeted ads.

Because Verizon is broadcasting this unique identifier to every website, ad networks could start using it to build a profile of your web activity, even if you’ve opted out and without your consent.

There’s rumor that AT&T and T-mobile are doing the same thing to their users. To see what is being captured by Verizon or AT&T, Click Here to check your mobile device.

Full Article Text: WIRED -Verizon’s “Perma-Cookie”

Windows XP Is Still a Favorite Among Hackers

As much as people love Windows XP, there are reasons to upgrade to something newer. Almost 25% of all PCs are still running Windows XP, that’s 1.5 billion computers.

Back in April, Microsoft stopped supporting and updating XP. Leaving XP users open to new exploits. Researchers have found that close to ½ million US computers are hacked, and are botnets that send back information such as passwords and banking information.

This is only going to get worse, if you’re still running XP its time to think about upgrading your Malware software or updating to Windows 7 or soon 9.

Further Reading: MIT Technology Review – Windows XP Is Still A Favorite Among Hackers

Social Media Tips for Unions:

  • It can’t hurt to have different social media platforms linked together even if they have similar info. People should be able to get from one platform to website to another platform with relative ease.
  • It is a good idea to have the basic info filled out on any given platform because you never know which one people are going to go to first, even if you don’t intend to update regularly.
  • Good to consider the following social media platforms:
    • Facebook – A given. People use this extensively and refer to it frequently to keep track of current events and information.
    • Twitter – Twitter is great for on-the-spot rapid posts and updates of current events as they happen.
    • G+ – Set up G+ so people local to the area can find information on a given Local, and the information links up with the map feature. Google might put this information in the sidebar on the search page when someone does a search so that it displays more prominently.
    • Pinterest – Pinterest is a great way to spread around images of events and things going on – photos are the way to go with this platform, and if you use them extensively, you’ll want to be sure to post them here.
    • Ello – Ello is brand-new and still in beta, but they promise not to sell your information for advertising. It might be the right way to go, and could send the right image.
    • Your own Website – Be sure you hook everything to the website and back again. Think of your website and social media platforms as a network that ties together. Better to get the word out when you need to!

Always practice Safe Tech!!

Read More About Crafting Strong Passwords at the Appletree Media Blog.

Cat Tech Tips – Computer Updates

Cat Tech Tips - Computer Updates

Cat Tech Tips – Computer Updates

You’re merrily typing along or browsing Facebook when suddenly Windows informs you that it has updated and wants to restart – what’s that all about? If Windows needs to update this often, what ELSE needs to be updated?

The answer is: Quite a few things! And many of those things have probably gone without computer updates for years. Keeping your machine updated makes it run more smoothly, and keeps it more secure.

So what needs to be updated?

–          Windows Updates: Windows usually updates periodically on its own, but it doesn’t hurt to check and see what non-essential updates need to be installed, and to just tell everything to get it over with right now.

–          Antivirus Updates: Your antivirus software should be updating and scanning regularly on its own if it was installed properly, but it doesn’t hurt to check.

–          Driver Updates: Drivers are little programs that make your hardware play nice with the rest of the computer, and you rarely think to update them. Software like Device Doctor can get everything up to where it should be. Be sure to back up your computer first!

–          Browser Updates: Browser updates patch security holes and are essential – check to make sure your updates are turned on and if not, update those browsers manually.

–          Third Party Updates: Other programs like Flash, Java, and Adobe Reader will prompt you to update. They will nag, badger and annoy you with reminders, often times they will badger you to the point your antivirus program will question their motives. We may never know why a PDF reader needs more updates than everything else combined, but just let it do its thing.*

*IMPORTANT: Do read the text on what you are updating. Sometimes sneaky malware will masquerade as something legitimate, and sometimes McAfee will try to slip in with other programs such as taskbars. Uncheck those checkboxes if you don’t want a certain piece of software.

Proceed With Caution
As always, back up your computer or tablet before making major changes (such as the driver updates), and we are not responsible for any issues you may encounter, such as throwing computer out the window in frustration after finding McAfee sneaking in for the sixth time.

Snapchat Hacks and Data Breaches

Snapchat Hack

The Snappening”: Hackers have done a massive online leak of as many as 200,000 photos and videos, some of them nude, captured using photo messaging app Snapchat.

The compromising Snapchat photos and videos are in the process of being leaked onto popular online forum 4Chan, the same site that housed the first leaked nude photos of actress Jennifer Lawrence and other celebrities.

Hackers were able to collect user photos and videos sent through a third-party app that lets you save Snapchat transmissions. Within the traditional Snapchat app, photos and videos that users send to friends “disappear” after several seconds.

Snapchat takes no responsibility. Listeners should remember to always practice “Safe Tech”

Kmart Credit Card Data Breach Exposes Consumer Information

Kmart has been targeted in a data breach that exposed the debit and credit card information of customers. Sears Holding Corp. said in a Friday statement it is working with federal agents and a private security firm to investigate the breach of its discount retail subsidiary’s systems.

The chain’s store payment data systems was infected with a covert form of malware that exposed consumer data. The breach took place in early September but was undiscovered until Thursday. The malware was removed from the systems, but not before “certain debit and credit card numbers” were compromised, Sears said.

If you’ve shopped Sears or Kmart since September, see your bank for a new debit or credit card.

Dairy Queen Was Hacked as Well

Dairy Queen reported Thursday that about 400 of its restaurants have been hacked.

The chain blamed malware called Backoff for the breach, which compromised payment card numbers, customer names and expiration dates for purchases made between August and October 2014.

Dairy Queen is offering “free identity repair services” for a year to any affected customer. Again see your bank for a new card.

**Maybe consumers should think about using cash whenever possible, until a more secure solution can be found for credit and debit cards.

Apple reportedly set to hold iPad/iMac/Yosemite event on October 16th at Town Hall

The event will feature updates to Apple’s iPad line, OSX 10.10 Yosemite as well as the new Retina iMacs. Mac mini updates would be nice too.

The event will also feature Yosemite, presumably the OS will be released soon after the event, if Apple follows historic patterns.

U.S Government Has Its Head in the Clouds

As government offices are moving away from keeping paper copies of forms, they’re looking for an efficient way to store data, lots of BIG DATA. It’s estimated that the government will invest $18.5 billion in cloud computing by 2018. Cloud computing will allow for data to be shared and stored between service centers and offices. Of course this makes us all nervous – very nervous, after all of the recent hacks of credit cards and personal information. Good thing a lot of that budget is aimed at security technology.

Look Out for the SandWorm!

Yesterday a Windows vulnerability being called “SandWorm” was uncovered. It impacts all versions of Microsoft Windows. (Picture the giant sand worm in star wars… this is BIG)

The hole was used in Russian cyber-espionage campaign targeting NATO, European Union, Telecommunications and Energy sectors.

Windows has released important updates for all computers. EVERYONE should run their Windows, Java and Adobe programs to close these security holes.


Dimitri Vassilaros

Dimitri Vassilaros: The Lovable Libertarian

Custom Graphic Design Media Services

Appletree MediaWorks was challenged to create a special hand-drawn graphic design for Dimitri’s website and radio show using our media services. Dimitri’s site required our web programmers to integrate Live365 into the website and draw in website visitors using search engine optimization.

Dimitri2020 Media Services

An Inside Joke

Appletree’s talented graphic designer/illustrator enjoyed working on this piece of unique hand drawn art. Dimitri knew what he wanted, but couldn’t describe it. Appletree’s patient web development and graphic design team worked together to architect the perfect website theme for Dimitri’s radio show. Once he saw the graphic design from our team he knew he had found what he was looking for. The website design features many inside jokes for Dimitri’s audience and Pittsburgh residents. The website interface is a “door” to the Dimitri 2020 LLC Radio Show.

Services Include:

Logo Design Services, Hand Drawn Graphic Illustration, Website Design, Mobile Website Solution, Email Setup, Domain Services, Anti-Hacking Tools, Internet Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Services, Live365 Radio Integration, Website Visitor Reporting, Digital Media Services, 3rd Party API Integration

Who Owns My Representative?

API Integration to Create Who Owns My Representative

Dynamic Image Generation Using Custom Javascript/AJAX

In an effort to shed light on the pervasive influence of money in politics, the team at Appletree MediaWorks created this online tool using API integration to empower Americans with an easy way to find out which moneyed interests might be affecting their Congressional representatives’ decision making. The project was developed to be self-sustaining by pulling in data from various political APIs (such as OpenSecrets and the Sunlight Foundation) and merging the information into pages and images in real time.
Our programmers incorporated dynamic image generation technology to create summary graphs from the data which could then be easily shared to Facebook. When people saw these images being shared, many were curious and clicked to look up their own representatives, ultimately drawing fresh traffic back to the site.

API Integration for Who Owns My Rep

Web Development Services:

API Integration, Dynamic Image Generation, Website Design, Social Media API Integration, Custom Programming, PHP Development, Custom Javascript/AJAX, Data Integration