seo google keywords

Writing for Your Clients and for Google

It’s easy to spot a blog or article written for Google: keywords make no sense, links litter the content, and much of the content seems unoriginal. Yet Search Engine Optimization is as important as it is mysterious. Google is always changing how ranking happens and it can be tricky to keep track of those changes.

Copywriting and SEO go hand in hand. Writing for people is important, and stuffing keywords and links is penalized. Google takes these abuses into account and acts against them. What’s becoming more significant is how often a link is passed along. A large part of modern SEO is getting your website shared on social media; you want to be considered an authority on your topic.

A few things are important to keep in mind, both for clients, readers, and Google.

Writing Appealing Titles, SEO

  • Titles that are useful, urgent, and ultra-specific hold attention best.
  • Titles that grab readers attention, such as ‘How To’, ‘Reasons Why’ and Testimonials that offer a reward for reading.

Direct- Writing Title, Keywords

  • Stay simple, direct, and write in a natural way.
  • Keep readers in mind at all times and do not write for search engines.
  • Get to the point in the first paragraph.
  • Use a call to action and ‘power words’ that grab attention.

Focus Keywords SEO

  • Keep your content relevant and focused on your target audience.
  • Stay sway from a bombardment of advertising or selling.

[blockquote]As a business person and website owner, I noticed that selling pools looked hard at my data. I found out that customers were most likely to purchase my product after they had read many pages. Those who contacted me at that point were almost guaranteed to buy.” – John T. Smyth[/blockquote]

Authority Google SEO keywords

  • Be the authority and Google will consider you the authority.
  • The higher one ranks on a search engine, the more people will visit your site and click that link.
  • The more a link is passed around, the more Google considers it significant.

This brings us to what seems to be the comprehensive theme of copywriting and SEO at the moment: Your job is to help the search engine robots figure out the fine details and points of what you are talking about, and what’s good for SEO is ultimately good for people.


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