Cat Tech Tips: Cleaning the Computer

Cat Tech Tips - Cleaning the ComputerCleaning the Computer

Dust collects around electronics. You may notice this when you dust around the TV or DVD player, or even around the computer. Have you stopped to think about how much dust collects inside that desktop computer of yours?

You might be shocked to find out just how much dust – and pet hair – has accumulated on the fans and internal components, trapping in heat around the fans that are supposed to keep the machine cool.

Canned air can be purchased at most places that sell electronics, and dusting out the back fan and the vents is a good step in the right direction.

If you are feeling particularly ambitious and brave, you can even crack that computer open to witness the horror which lurks inside. If you choose to do this, grab a dust mask and read through these tips first.

We are not responsible for any foolishness resulting from possessing canned air, owning vacuum cleaners, or taking apart an expensive machine. But if you are careful, and with proper maintenance, you’ll improve the health and life of your computer.

  • Turn off and unplug your computer and all the parts. For that matter, pull the whole thing out of its home at your desk, and clean up around it while you’re at it. It’s probably gotten a bit dusty down there anyway and could use the clean.
  • Make sure you are aware of static discharge and do not touch the insides of your computer if you can avoid it. Touch the metal casing outside first either way.
  •  Canned air and a clean, dry paint brush are good tools to get those dust bunnies, pet hair, and the rest of that mess out of your machine. Keep the area ventilated – you will kick up a lot of dust. Your contact lenses may suffer.
  • Hold the canned air right-side-up and don’t spray too close to your components – the liquid inside is very cold and may cause damage. (And on that note, do not spray the canned air on your friends, pets, etc. The temptation may be strong, but don’t do it.)
  • Don’t use a vacuum until you’re cleaning up the floor afterwards, and definitely not on the computer’s innards. To repeat, static is bad and your vacuum kicks up a lot of it.