Appletree MediaWorks

We are a Michigan based web media agency founded in 2009. We have a hand picked team of talented, driven individuals that each play an integral role in meeting and exceeding your web development goals. With over 80 years of combined experience. Yes, some of us started our computer days on a 286, well before Google was a thing and the thought of a computer on your wrist was a fictional prop on Dick Tracy. Don’t worry though, we have team members that were literally born on social media and keep us in the know on the latest online trends.

Appletree MediaWorks is also proud to be a Union company. We are a member of the Printing Packaging and Production Workers Union of North America (PPPWU). If you are looking for information about our union websites and union services visit

Our team is also focused on customer service, which is why we’ve developed a referral program. We are so confident you will be happy with our services that we will reward you for spreading the word. Check out what our clients are saying about us and then contact us for a no obligation quote today.

We believe your online and print marketing efforts should help your business grow. As the economy becomes tighter, competition tends to build. Every dollar spent must be effective in promoting business growth. With this reality in mind, our team takes the time to learn your business and determine how best to grow your sales.

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